Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Hollis's Birth Documentation

I was so excited I could not sleep. I was up for about 36 hours straight, and still full of energy. A good friend asked me to be in the delivery room, and of course I accepted, in fact I was honored. I had never taken these kind of pictures before but I was happy with the outcome. Because I know you are wondering I looked out of the window, at the rain and no I did not see anything. I was asked not to look (and didn't want to look) and respected the new moms wishes. Looking back at the first couple hours of the baby's pictures it is amazing how much he changes within just hours. My advice to new moms pass the picture task on to someone else, you have bigger things to worry about. Remember you can never get that moment in time back. Please keep in mind I did take new baby pictures but chose not to put them on the site for security purposes. ~K

1 comment:

  1. i love them all...especially that fourth gorgeous! thank you again...we know we can never repay you for capturing the miracle of hollis and his first moments in this world. lord, i am getting teary...these darn hormones!
